Thursday, August 11, 2016

08/10/16 - Captain's MCAR Filing

Timestamp: 8/10/2016 13:32:35

Chapter Name: USS Firelace
Current Status: Active

Commanding Officer: Fleet Captain Robin Wilson
Commanding Officer Email:
Executive Officer: Commander Matthew Strange
Executive Officer Email:

Personnel and Record Changes
O, E, or C(L):
Recommended Rank/Commendation(M):
Reason for Recommended Rank/Commendation(N):
Do you have any other promotions or commendations to report?(O): No
O, E, or C(Q):
Recommended Rank/Commendation(R):
Reason for Recommended Rank/Commendation(S):
Do you have any other promotions or commendations to report?(T):

O, E, or C(V):
Recommended Rank/Commendation(W):
Reason for Recommended Rank/Commendation(X):

Position Changes
Old Position (Z):
O, E, or C(AA):
New Position:
O, E, or C(AC):
Do you have another position change to report?:

Old Position (AF):
O, E, or C(AG):
New Postion:
O, E, or C(AI):

Ships Activities/Away Missions
Date(AJ): 7/23/2016 0:00:00
Choose One(AK): Special Event / Holiday / Excursion
Location of Meeting(AL): Edwards Ontario Palace 22 IMAX & RPX
Personnel Count : 1-5
Meeting Notes(AN): Several potential recruits, nothing that panned out however
Do you have additional Activity or Mission to report?(AO): No

Choose One(AQ):
Location of Meeting(AR):
Personnel Count(AS):
Meeting Notes(AT):
Do you have additional Activity or Mission to report?(AU):

Choose One(AW):
Location of Meeting(AX):
Personnel Count(AY):
Meeting Notes(AZ):

Recruitment Report
Date(BA): 7/23/2016 0:00:00
Recruiting Activities(BB): Star Trek: Beyond Premier
Personnel Count(BC): 1-5
New possible member count(BD): 5

Date(BE): 8/3/2016 0:00:00
Recruiting Activities(BF): Star Trek Las Vegas
Personnel Count(BG): 1-5
New possible member count(BH): 50

Community / Charity Events
Date(BI): 8/7/2016 0:00:00
Name of organization you are helping: Individual - Health Alert
What activity are you doing?(BK):  Companionship / Time
Personnel Count(BL): 1-5
Amount of Money / Time Donated(BM): 30 min

Name of organization your helping:
What activity are you doing?(BP):
Personnel Count(BQ):
Amount of Money / Time Donated(BR):

GEO / Event Fleet Notes
Information you need to pass on about any old business, problems, or a...:

Is there a problem that needs to be reported? *: No
What is the issue you wish to report?:
What did you do to resolve this issue.:
Do you require assistance in resolving this matter?:

Date(BX): 8/10/2016 0:00:00
Filed By:: Fleet Captain Robin Wilson
Authorization: Fleet Captain Robin Wilson

Stardate: 47634.44 - Captain's Personal Log (not so personal)

 Ran across a log that got me thinking... and wanting to clarify my response. I did not carry over the whole log and all replies because I w...