Friday, February 26, 2021

Stardate: [-27] 02770.00 - Admiral's Log

Yesterday my Ambassador turned up at a local spacedock with no warning, so after a bit of navigational acrobatics I took my yacht out to pick him up for a few hour layover between hauling shipments. It was nice to see my old friend again, our connection chances are so few. After a few short moments of negotiation my pilot, Cmd Wilson and I, offered to tow Ens Richardson around the sector for a bit and then bring him back to the ship for the 'evening repast'.

He brought news of activity aboard the U.S.S. Nathan Hale that he'd gathered from his contacts there, and plans for a possible change of station for several people I've had the honor of knowing through the years, including the consideration of his own change of station which really wouldn't affect his position as my ambassador.

For hours he entertained my crew, those in attendance to the Admiral's Repast (including LTJG M.Falcone, LT Wilson, PO2 I.Wilson, Cmd J.Wilson, LtCmd Black, LTJG Hahn, PO3 I.Wilson, and LTJG C. Falcone) with stories of a younger more carefree time. Some quick discussions were held over the potential for promotions, and I'm in agreement with the lighthearted requests, a round of promotions may well be due. The earth pandemic put a lot of things on hold, including the ability to participate in away missions or holo-events; and the crew needs a decent shakeup. I'll have to have a discussion with my XO on this topic.

It was nice to be able to visit with the Ens., he was a sight for sore eyes after a very restricted year. In our discussions, he raised my hopes a bit while discussing the possibility of his changing his primary residence to someplace a few sectors closer, but it was nothing signed off on yet, so may not happen.

I'll have to remember to write this up in the next MCAR report, as there were plenty of crew together in one place to count it as an event - even if it wasn't official. I was loathe to return him to his own ship at the end of the visit, as they are too few too far between. Old friendships are something I've always cherished, and I've no older friendship than the one I revisit with Ens Richardson now and again; save perhaps the one I revisit with my XO every chance I get.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Stardate: [-26] 02740.00 - Captain's MCAR Filing


From which Quadrant are you hailing?
  Alpha-Risian (Formerly: Geo West}
Alpha-Risian Chapters
  NFC-3355-2 USS Firelace
What Period is being Covered With this report
What is the Current Status of your chapter?
Who is the Commanding Officer:
  Robin Wilson
What is their email address?
Who is your Executive Officer:
  Nathan Guill
What is their email address?
Chapter Activity
Chapter Events
  Dining with the Admiral {exclusive invite only} - 12 in participation
Active Feedback
Additional Comments
  Covid is still an annoying 'thing'... So no official events were held.
Last little bit
Date being filed
Prepared (Filed by)
  Robin Wilson
Authorized by:
  Russ Haslage

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Stargate: [-26] 02685.00 Admiral's Log

LtCmd Black had kitchen duty this evening, i'm told it was her first night at the replicator. She worked at it for a while, received a bit of help from Cadet Black, and LtJg Black to pull everything together. The final served dishes came out and was approved by nearly all...
Kligon Gagh
Vulcan Ice Cream for desert..

A few crew sharing their approval. And in the back, one crew person tending to his health needs (diabetic taking his insulin).

Stardate: 47634.44 - Captain's Personal Log (not so personal)

 Ran across a log that got me thinking... and wanting to clarify my response. I did not carry over the whole log and all replies because I w...