Wednesday, December 6, 2017

12/05/17 - Captain's MCAR Filing

Timestamp: 12/5/2017 13:31:58

Chapter Name: USS Firelace
Current Status: Active

Commanding Officer: Flt Cpt Robin Wilson
Commanding Officer Email:
Executive Officer: Commander Matt Strange
Executive Officer Email:

Personnel and Record Changes
O, E, or C(L):
Recommended Rank/Commendation(M):
Reason for Recommended Rank/Commendation(N):
Do you have any other promotions or commendations to report?(O): No
O, E, or C(Q):
Recommended Rank/Commendation(R):
Reason for Recommended Rank/Commendation(S):
Do you have any other promotions or commendations to report?(T):

O, E, or C(V):
Recommended Rank/Commendation(W):
Reason for Recommended Rank/Commendation(X):

Position Changes
Name(Y): Merlin Wilson
Old Position (Z): Cadet
O, E, or C(AA):
New Position: Ensign
O, E, or C(AC):
Do you have another position change to report?: No

Old Position (AF):
O, E, or C(AG):
New Postion:
O, E, or C(AI):

Ships Activities/Away Missions
Date(AJ): 11/11/2018 0:00:00
Choose One(AK): Monthly Meeting
Location of Meeting(AL): Private Residence
Personnel Count : 6-10
Meeting Notes(AN): Christmas Party Planning
Do you have additional Activity or Mission to report?(AO): No

Choose One(AQ):
Location of Meeting(AR):
Personnel Count(AS):
Meeting Notes(AT):
Do you have additional Activity or Mission to report?(AU):

Choose One(AW):
Location of Meeting(AX):
Personnel Count(AY):
Meeting Notes(AZ):

Recruitment Report
Recruiting Activities(BB):
Personnel Count(BC):
New possible member count(BD):

Recruiting Activities(BF):
Personnel Count(BG):
New possible member count(BH):

Community / Charity Events
Name of organization you are helping:
What activity are you doing?(BK):
Personnel Count(BL):
Amount of Money / Time Donated(BM):

Name of organization your helping:
What activity are you doing?(BP):
Personnel Count(BQ):
Amount of Money / Time Donated(BR):

GEO / Event Fleet Notes
Information you need to pass on about any old business, problems, or a...:

Is there a problem that needs to be reported? *: No
What is the issue you wish to report?:
What did you do to resolve this issue.:
Do you require assistance in resolving this matter?:

Date(BX): 11/30/2018 0:00:00
Filed By:: Flt Cpt Robin Wilson
Authorization: Flt Cpt Robin Wilson

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

12/05/17 - Captain's MCAR Filing (late filing)

Timestamp: 12/5/2017 13:27:50

Chapter Name: USS Firelace
Current Status: Active

Commanding Officer: Flt Cpt Robin Wilson
Commanding Officer Email:
Executive Officer: Commander Matthew Strange
Executive Officer Email:

Personnel and Record Changes
O, E, or C(L):
Recommended Rank/Commendation(M):
Reason for Recommended Rank/Commendation(N):
Do you have any other promotions or commendations to report?(O): No
O, E, or C(Q):
Recommended Rank/Commendation(R):
Reason for Recommended Rank/Commendation(S):
Do you have any other promotions or commendations to report?(T):

O, E, or C(V):
Recommended Rank/Commendation(W):
Reason for Recommended Rank/Commendation(X):

Position Changes
Old Position (Z):
O, E, or C(AA):
New Position:
O, E, or C(AC):
Do you have another position change to report?: No

Old Position (AF):
O, E, or C(AG):
New Postion:
O, E, or C(AI):

Ships Activities/Away Missions
Date(AJ): 10/14/2018 0:00:00
Choose One(AK): Monthly Meeting
Location of Meeting(AL): Private Residence
Personnel Count : 6-10
Meeting Notes(AN): Preliminary Christmas Party Discussions
Do you have additional Activity or Mission to report?(AO): No

Choose One(AQ):
Location of Meeting(AR):
Personnel Count(AS):
Meeting Notes(AT):
Do you have additional Activity or Mission to report?(AU):

Choose One(AW):
Location of Meeting(AX):
Personnel Count(AY):
Meeting Notes(AZ):

Recruitment Report
Recruiting Activities(BB):
Personnel Count(BC):
New possible member count(BD):

Recruiting Activities(BF):
Personnel Count(BG):
New possible member count(BH):

Community / Charity Events
Name of organization you are helping:
What activity are you doing?(BK):
Personnel Count(BL):
Amount of Money / Time Donated(BM):

Name of organization your helping:
What activity are you doing?(BP):
Personnel Count(BQ):
Amount of Money / Time Donated(BR):

GEO / Event Fleet Notes
Information you need to pass on about any old business, problems, or a...:

Is there a problem that needs to be reported? *: No
What is the issue you wish to report?:
What did you do to resolve this issue.:
Do you require assistance in resolving this matter?:

Date(BX): 10/31/2018 0:00:00
Filed By:: Flt Cpt Robin Wilson
Authorization: Flt Cpt Robin Wilson

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

09/26/17 - Captain's Log

We had our ST:Dis viewing this weekend. Our newest crewman joined in the general fun. He fit in pretty well, or will, if he become acclimated - but I am nervous about how he felt. He commented that it was obvious most of my crew were family/Family and friends. I recognize it was hard to miss, as the only people in attendance were my family (my cadets as well as my husband, Ensign Wilson), and my long-time friend and acting XO 'Little Bear' Hisa, and his girlfriend Ensign Avers, whom I've come to respect.

I worry, a bit, that the easy familiarity with my crew may have put him off. I feel this doubt because he did not seem ready to commit to attending a monthly meeting; though admittedly this could be because he couldn't review his schedule at that time. Only time will tell.

Those concerns aside, I think the viewing went rather well. There was soda and snacks in abundance, much more than was strictly necessary for the small crowd, so no one went lacking. And the stream did not fail.

Also: My Operations Officer was temporarily demoted to the rank of 'raw recruit' because he forgot about the airing of ST:Dis - this demotion was of course never officially logged, as it was done jokingly.

Update on my XO: None, I hear from him and his family close to never. I can only hope things are going as well as possible for him. Last reports had him struggling financially due to the unexpected severity of his injury while at work. It has made things harder for him and his family than initially anticipated.

Monday, September 11, 2017

09/11/17 - Captain's MCAR Filing

Timestamp: 9/11/2017 8:20:19

Chapter Name: USS Firelace
Current Status: Active

Commanding Officer: Cptn Robin Wilson
Commanding Officer Email:
Executive Officer: Cmd Matthew Strange
Executive Officer Email:

Personnel and Record Changes
O, E, or C(L):
Recommended Rank/Commendation(M):
Reason for Recommended Rank/Commendation(N):
Do you have any other promotions or commendations to report?(O): No
O, E, or C(Q):
Recommended Rank/Commendation(R):
Reason for Recommended Rank/Commendation(S):
Do you have any other promotions or commendations to report?(T):

O, E, or C(V):
Recommended Rank/Commendation(W):
Reason for Recommended Rank/Commendation(X):

Position Changes
Old Position (Z):
O, E, or C(AA):
New Position:
O, E, or C(AC):
Do you have another position change to report?: No

Old Position (AF):
O, E, or C(AG):
New Postion:
O, E, or C(AI):

Ships Activities/Away Missions
Date(AJ): 9/8/2017 0:00:00
Choose One(AK): Monthly Meeting
Location of Meeting(AL): Private Residence
Personnel Count : 6-10
Meeting Notes(AN): Discussed Future Meetings (halloween/christmas)
Do you have additional Activity or Mission to report?(AO): No

Choose One(AQ):
Location of Meeting(AR):
Personnel Count(AS):
Meeting Notes(AT):
Do you have additional Activity or Mission to report?(AU):

Choose One(AW):
Location of Meeting(AX):
Personnel Count(AY):
Meeting Notes(AZ):

Recruitment Report
Recruiting Activities(BB):
Personnel Count(BC):
New possible member count(BD):

Recruiting Activities(BF):
Personnel Count(BG):
New possible member count(BH):

Community / Charity Events
Name of organization you are helping:
What activity are you doing?(BK):
Personnel Count(BL):
Amount of Money / Time Donated(BM):

Name of organization your helping:
What activity are you doing?(BP):
Personnel Count(BQ):
Amount of Money / Time Donated(BR):

GEO / Event Fleet Notes
Information you need to pass on about any old business, problems, or a...:

Is there a problem that needs to be reported? *: No
What is the issue you wish to report?:
What did you do to resolve this issue.:
Do you require assistance in resolving this matter?:

Date(BX): 9/11/2017 0:00:00
Filed By:: Cptn Robin Wilson
Authorization: Cptn Robin Wilson

Monday, August 14, 2017

08/14/17 - Captain's MCAR Filing

Timestamp: 8/14/2017 13:04:54

Chapter Name: USS Firelace
Current Status: Active

Commanding Officer: Flt Cptn Robin Wilson
Commanding Officer Email:
Executive Officer: Commander Matt Strange
Executive Officer Email:

Personnel and Record Changes
O, E, or C(L):
Recommended Rank/Commendation(M):
Reason for Recommended Rank/Commendation(N):
Do you have any other promotions or commendations to report?(O): No
O, E, or C(Q):
Recommended Rank/Commendation(R):
Reason for Recommended Rank/Commendation(S):
Do you have any other promotions or commendations to report?(T):

O, E, or C(V):
Recommended Rank/Commendation(W):
Reason for Recommended Rank/Commendation(X):

Position Changes
Old Position (Z):
O, E, or C(AA):
New Position:
O, E, or C(AC):
Do you have another position change to report?: No

Old Position (AF):
O, E, or C(AG):
New Postion:
O, E, or C(AI):

Ships Activities/Away Missions
Date(AJ): 8/12/2017 0:00:00
Choose One(AK): Monthly Meeting
Location of Meeting(AL): Local Public Park
Personnel Count : 6-10
Meeting Notes(AN): Discussed fundraising for 2018 Star Trek Las Vegas Goals
Do you have additional Activity or Mission to report?(AO): No

Choose One(AQ):
Location of Meeting(AR):
Personnel Count(AS):
Meeting Notes(AT):
Do you have additional Activity or Mission to report?(AU):

Choose One(AW):
Location of Meeting(AX):
Personnel Count(AY):
Meeting Notes(AZ):

Recruitment Report
Recruiting Activities(BB):
Personnel Count(BC):
New possible member count(BD):

Recruiting Activities(BF):
Personnel Count(BG):
New possible member count(BH):

Community / Charity Events
Name of organization you are helping:
What activity are you doing?(BK):
Personnel Count(BL):
Amount of Money / Time Donated(BM):

Name of organization your helping:
What activity are you doing?(BP):
Personnel Count(BQ):
Amount of Money / Time Donated(BR):

GEO / Event Fleet Notes
Information you need to pass on about any old business, problems, or a...:

Is there a problem that needs to be reported? *: No
What is the issue you wish to report?:
What did you do to resolve this issue.:
Do you require assistance in resolving this matter?:

Date(BX): 8/14/2017 0:00:00
Filed By:: Flt Cpt Robin Wilson
Authorization: Myself

Thursday, July 27, 2017

07/26/17 - Captain's MCAR Filing

Timestamp: 7/26/2017 15:22:38

Chapter Name: USS Firelace
Current Status: Active

Commanding Officer: Robin Wilson
Commanding Officer Email:
Executive Officer: Matthew Strange
Executive Officer Email:

Personnel and Record Changes
Name(K): Commander Matthew Strange
O, E, or C(L): Officer
Recommended Rank/Commendation(M): Senior Commander
Reason for Recommended Rank/Commendation(N): Points Earned
Do you have any other promotions or commendations to report?(O): Yes
Name(P): LtCmd Nathan Guill
O, E, or C(Q): Officer
Recommended Rank/Commendation(R): Commander
Reason for Recommended Rank/Commendation(S): Points Earned, Service to the Chapter
Do you have any other promotions or commendations to report?(T): Yes

Name(U): Lt Shirley Strange
O, E, or C(V): Officer
Recommended Rank/Commendation(W): Lt Commander
Reason for Recommended Rank/Commendation(X): Points Earned

Position Changes
Old Position (Z):
O, E, or C(AA):
New Position:
O, E, or C(AC):
Do you have another position change to report?: No

Old Position (AF):
O, E, or C(AG):
New Postion:
O, E, or C(AI):

Ships Activities/Away Missions
Date(AJ): 7/9/2017 0:00:00
Choose One(AK): Monthly Meeting
Location of Meeting(AL): Private Residence
Personnel Count : 6-10
Meeting Notes(AN): Discussed further meeting locations, potential Away Missions
Do you have additional Activity or Mission to report?(AO): No

Choose One(AQ):
Location of Meeting(AR):
Personnel Count(AS):
Meeting Notes(AT):
Do you have additional Activity or Mission to report?(AU):

Choose One(AW):
Location of Meeting(AX):
Personnel Count(AY):
Meeting Notes(AZ):

Recruitment Report
Recruiting Activities(BB):
Personnel Count(BC):
New possible member count(BD):

Recruiting Activities(BF):
Personnel Count(BG):
New possible member count(BH):

Community / Charity Events
Name of organization you are helping:
What activity are you doing?(BK):
Personnel Count(BL):
Amount of Money / Time Donated(BM):

Name of organization your helping:
What activity are you doing?(BP):
Personnel Count(BQ):
Amount of Money / Time Donated(BR):

GEO / Event Fleet Notes
Information you need to pass on about any old business, problems, or a...:

Is there a problem that needs to be reported? *: No
What is the issue you wish to report?:
What did you do to resolve this issue.:
Do you require assistance in resolving this matter?:

Date(BX): 7/26/2017 0:00:00
Filed By:: Robin Wilson
Authorization: Robin Wilson

Thursday, June 8, 2017

06/08/17 - Captain's MCAR Filing (month missed)

Timestamp: 6/8/2017 15:17:39

Chapter Name: USS Firelace
Current Status: Active

Commanding Officer: Flt Cpt Robin Wilson
Commanding Officer Email:
Executive Officer: Cmd Matthew Strange
Executive Officer Email:

Personnel and Record Changes
Name(K): Guill, Nathan
O, E, or C(L): Officer
Recommended Rank/Commendation(M): Commander
Reason for Recommended Rank/Commendation(N): Above and Beyond , Points Earned, Service to the Chapter
Do you have any other promotions or commendations to report?(O): No
O, E, or C(Q):
Recommended Rank/Commendation(R):
Reason for Recommended Rank/Commendation(S):
Do you have any other promotions or commendations to report?(T):

O, E, or C(V):
Recommended Rank/Commendation(W):
Reason for Recommended Rank/Commendation(X):

Position Changes
Old Position (Z):
O, E, or C(AA):
New Position:
O, E, or C(AC):
Do you have another position change to report?: No

Old Position (AF):
O, E, or C(AG):
New Postion:
O, E, or C(AI):

Ships Activities/Away Missions
Choose One(AK): Special Event / Holiday / Excursion
Location of Meeting(AL): Pirates Dinner Adventure
Personnel Count : 1-5
Meeting Notes(AN): Joined USS Ulysses for their anniversary celebration
Do you have additional Activity or Mission to report?(AO): No

Choose One(AQ):
Location of Meeting(AR):
Personnel Count(AS):
Meeting Notes(AT):
Do you have additional Activity or Mission to report?(AU):

Choose One(AW):
Location of Meeting(AX):
Personnel Count(AY):
Meeting Notes(AZ):

Recruitment Report
Recruiting Activities(BB):
Personnel Count(BC):
New possible member count(BD):

Recruiting Activities(BF):
Personnel Count(BG):
New possible member count(BH):

Community / Charity Events
Date(BI): 5/25/2017 0:00:00
Name of organization you are helping:
What activity are you doing?(BK): Donation Drive
Personnel Count(BL):
Amount of Money / Time Donated(BM): About $30

Name of organization your helping:
What activity are you doing?(BP):
Personnel Count(BQ):
Amount of Money / Time Donated(BR):

GEO / Event Fleet Notes
Information you need to pass on about any old business, problems, or a...:

Is there a problem that needs to be reported? *: No
What is the issue you wish to report?:
What did you do to resolve this issue.:
Do you require assistance in resolving this matter?:

Date(BX): 6/8/2017 0:00:00
Filed By:: Flt Cpt Robin Wilson
Authorization: Flt Cpt Robin Wilson

Friday, April 21, 2017

04/20/17 - Captain's MCAR Filing

Timestamp: 4/20/2017 23:58:40

Chapter Name: USS Firelace
Current Status: Active

Commanding Officer: Flt Cpt Robin Wilson
Commanding Officer Email:
Executive Officer: Cmdr Matthew Strange
Executive Officer Email:

Personnel and Record Changes
O, E, or C(L):
Recommended Rank/Commendation(M):
Reason for Recommended Rank/Commendation(N):
Do you have any other promotions or commendations to report?(O): No
O, E, or C(Q):
Recommended Rank/Commendation(R):
Reason for Recommended Rank/Commendation(S):
Do you have any other promotions or commendations to report?(T):

O, E, or C(V):
Recommended Rank/Commendation(W):
Reason for Recommended Rank/Commendation(X):

Position Changes
Old Position (Z):
O, E, or C(AA):
New Position:
O, E, or C(AC):
Do you have another position change to report?: No

Old Position (AF):
O, E, or C(AG):
New Postion:
O, E, or C(AI):

Ships Activities/Away Missions
Date(AJ): 4/8/2017 0:00:00
Choose One(AK): Monthly Meeting
Location of Meeting(AL): Hibachi Grill Buffet
Personnel Count : 6-10
Meeting Notes(AN): Air Show Away Mission scrapped due to limited funds - other missions discussed
Do you have additional Activity or Mission to report?(AO): No

Choose One(AQ):
Location of Meeting(AR):
Personnel Count(AS):
Meeting Notes(AT):
Do you have additional Activity or Mission to report?(AU):

Choose One(AW):
Location of Meeting(AX):
Personnel Count(AY):
Meeting Notes(AZ):

Recruitment Report
Recruiting Activities(BB):
Personnel Count(BC):
New possible member count(BD):

Recruiting Activities(BF):
Personnel Count(BG):
New possible member count(BH):

Community / Charity Events
Name of organization you are helping:
What activity are you doing?(BK):
Personnel Count(BL):
Amount of Money / Time Donated(BM):

Name of organization your helping:
What activity are you doing?(BP):
Personnel Count(BQ):
Amount of Money / Time Donated(BR):

GEO / Event Fleet Notes
Information you need to pass on about any old business, problems, or a...:

Is there a problem that needs to be reported? *: No
What is the issue you wish to report?:
What did you do to resolve this issue.:
Do you require assistance in resolving this matter?:

Date(BX): 4/20/2017 0:00:00
Filed By:: Flt Cpt Robin Wilson
Authorization: Flt Cpt Robin Wilson

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

03/14/17 - Captain's MCAR Filing

Timestamp: 3/14/2017 8:58:28

Chapter Name: USS Firelace
Current Status: Active

Commanding Officer: Flt Cpt Robin Wilson
Commanding Officer Email:
Executive Officer: Com Matthew Strange
Executive Officer Email:

Personnel and Record Changes
O, E, or C(L):
Recommended Rank/Commendation(M):
Reason for Recommended Rank/Commendation(N):
Do you have any other promotions or commendations to report?(O): No
O, E, or C(Q):
Recommended Rank/Commendation(R):
Reason for Recommended Rank/Commendation(S):
Do you have any other promotions or commendations to report?(T):

O, E, or C(V):
Recommended Rank/Commendation(W):
Reason for Recommended Rank/Commendation(X):

Position Changes
Old Position (Z):
O, E, or C(AA):
New Position:
O, E, or C(AC):
Do you have another position change to report?: No

Old Position (AF):
O, E, or C(AG):
New Postion:
O, E, or C(AI):

Ships Activities/Away Missions
Date(AJ): 3/4/2017 0:00:00
Choose One(AK): Monthly Meeting
Location of Meeting(AL): Private Residence
Personnel Count : 1-5
Meeting Notes(AN): Discussed upcoming Away Missions and plausibility of attending on limited budgets - one plan was discarded due to financial struggles by all present
Do you have additional Activity or Mission to report?(AO): No

Choose One(AQ):
Location of Meeting(AR):
Personnel Count(AS):
Meeting Notes(AT):
Do you have additional Activity or Mission to report?(AU):

Choose One(AW):
Location of Meeting(AX):
Personnel Count(AY):
Meeting Notes(AZ):

Recruitment Report
Recruiting Activities(BB):
Personnel Count(BC):
New possible member count(BD):

Recruiting Activities(BF):
Personnel Count(BG):
New possible member count(BH):

Community / Charity Events
Name of organization you are helping:
What activity are you doing?(BK):
Personnel Count(BL):
Amount of Money / Time Donated(BM):

Name of organization your helping:
What activity are you doing?(BP):  Recycling - bottles, paper, cans
Personnel Count(BQ): 1-5
Amount of Money / Time Donated(BR): To Be Declared

GEO / Event Fleet Notes
Information you need to pass on about any old business, problems, or a...:

Is there a problem that needs to be reported? *: No
What is the issue you wish to report?:
What did you do to resolve this issue.:
Do you require assistance in resolving this matter?:

Date(BX): 3/14/2017 0:00:00
Filed By:: Flt Cpt Robin Wilson
Authorization: Flt Cpt Robin Wilson

03/14/17 - Captain's MCAR Filing (Late filing)

Timestamp: 3/14/2017 8:54:55

Chapter Name: USS Firelace
Current Status: Active

Commanding Officer: Flt Cpt Robin Wilson
Commanding Officer Email:
Executive Officer: Com Matthew Strange
Executive Officer Email:

Personnel and Record Changes
O, E, or C(L):
Recommended Rank/Commendation(M):
Reason for Recommended Rank/Commendation(N):
Do you have any other promotions or commendations to report?(O): No
O, E, or C(Q):
Recommended Rank/Commendation(R):
Reason for Recommended Rank/Commendation(S):
Do you have any other promotions or commendations to report?(T):

O, E, or C(V):
Recommended Rank/Commendation(W):
Reason for Recommended Rank/Commendation(X):

Position Changes
Old Position (Z):
O, E, or C(AA):
New Position:
O, E, or C(AC):
Do you have another position change to report?: No

Old Position (AF):
O, E, or C(AG):
New Postion:
O, E, or C(AI):

Ships Activities/Away Missions
Date(AJ): 2/4/2017 0:00:00
Choose One(AK): Monthly Meeting
Location of Meeting(AL): Private Residence
Personnel Count : 1-5
Meeting Notes(AN): Schedule Conflict due to human error
Do you have additional Activity or Mission to report?(AO): No

Choose One(AQ):
Location of Meeting(AR):
Personnel Count(AS):
Meeting Notes(AT):
Do you have additional Activity or Mission to report?(AU):

Choose One(AW):
Location of Meeting(AX):
Personnel Count(AY):
Meeting Notes(AZ):

Recruitment Report
Recruiting Activities(BB):
Personnel Count(BC):
New possible member count(BD):

Recruiting Activities(BF):
Personnel Count(BG):
New possible member count(BH):

Community / Charity Events
Name of organization you are helping:
What activity are you doing?(BK):
Personnel Count(BL):
Amount of Money / Time Donated(BM):

Name of organization your helping:
What activity are you doing?(BP):
Personnel Count(BQ):
Amount of Money / Time Donated(BR):

GEO / Event Fleet Notes
Information you need to pass on about any old business, problems, or a...:

Is there a problem that needs to be reported? *: No
What is the issue you wish to report?:
What did you do to resolve this issue.:
Do you require assistance in resolving this matter?:

Date(BX): 3/14/2017 0:00:00
Filed By:: Flt Cpt Robin Wilson
Authorization: Flt Cpt Robin Wilson

03/14/17 - Captain's MCAR Filing (Late filing)

Timestamp: 3/14/2017 8:51:56

Chapter Name: USS Firelace
Current Status: Active

Commanding Officer: FltCpt Robin Wilson
Commanding Officer Email:
Executive Officer: Com. Matthew Strange
Executive Officer Email:

Personnel and Record Changes
O, E, or C(L):
Recommended Rank/Commendation(M):
Reason for Recommended Rank/Commendation(N):
Do you have any other promotions or commendations to report?(O): No
O, E, or C(Q):
Recommended Rank/Commendation(R):
Reason for Recommended Rank/Commendation(S):
Do you have any other promotions or commendations to report?(T):

O, E, or C(V):
Recommended Rank/Commendation(W):
Reason for Recommended Rank/Commendation(X):

Position Changes
Old Position (Z):
O, E, or C(AA):
New Position:
O, E, or C(AC):
Do you have another position change to report?: No

Old Position (AF):
O, E, or C(AG):
New Postion:
O, E, or C(AI):

Ships Activities/Away Missions
Date(AJ): 12/17/2017 0:00:00
Choose One(AK): Special Event / Holiday / Excursion
Location of Meeting(AL): Private Residence
Personnel Count : 1-5
Meeting Notes(AN): "Captain's Open House" - nothing official, just an open door invitation for the crew to visit.
Do you have additional Activity or Mission to report?(AO): No

Choose One(AQ):
Location of Meeting(AR):
Personnel Count(AS):
Meeting Notes(AT):
Do you have additional Activity or Mission to report?(AU):

Choose One(AW):
Location of Meeting(AX):
Personnel Count(AY):
Meeting Notes(AZ):

Recruitment Report
Recruiting Activities(BB):
Personnel Count(BC):
New possible member count(BD):

Recruiting Activities(BF):
Personnel Count(BG):
New possible member count(BH):

Community / Charity Events
Name of organization you are helping:
What activity are you doing?(BK):
Personnel Count(BL):
Amount of Money / Time Donated(BM):

Name of organization your helping:
What activity are you doing?(BP):
Personnel Count(BQ):
Amount of Money / Time Donated(BR):

GEO / Event Fleet Notes
Information you need to pass on about any old business, problems, or a...:

Is there a problem that needs to be reported? *: No
What is the issue you wish to report?:
What did you do to resolve this issue.:
Do you require assistance in resolving this matter?:

Date(BX): 3/14/2017 0:00:00
Filed By:: Flt Cpt Robin Wilson
Authorization: Flt Cpt Robin Wilson

Stardate: 47634.44 - Captain's Personal Log (not so personal)

 Ran across a log that got me thinking... and wanting to clarify my response. I did not carry over the whole log and all replies because I w...