From which Quadrant are you hailing? | |
Alpha-Risian (Formerly: Geo West} | |
Alpha-Risian Chapters | |
NFC-3355-2 USS Firelace | |
What Period is being Covered With this report | |
April-May | |
What is the Current Status of your chapter? | |
Active | |
Who is the Commanding Officer: | |
V.Adm Robin Wilson | |
What is their email address? | | | |
Who is your Executive Officer: | |
Cpt Nathan Guill | |
What is their email address? | | | |
Crew Personnel | |
Promotions/Commendations | |
Commendations for service above and beyond during time of crisis: Lt Merlin Wilson (coordinating evacuation efforts for Firelace Actual) Spacer Ivy Wilson (assisting with evacuation efforts for Firelace Actual) Spacer Lily Wilson (assisting with evacuation efforts for Firelace Actual) Michael Falcone (assisting with evacuation efforts for Firelace Actual) Carrie Falcone is also to be commended for listening to evacuation orders, as well as her son Corey Falcone - their cooperation saved themselves unnecessary MedBay visits. |
Chapter Activity | |
Chapter Events | |
None | |
Chapter Recruiting Activities | |
None - V.Adm handing out occasional business cards | |
Geo Level Events | |
Geo/Fleet Events | |
None | |
Active Feedback | |
Additional Comments | |
Still waiting for C-19 requirements to drop to acceptable ranges to enable return to physical meetings, which has just happened. I hope to resume meetings next month. | |
Last little bit | |
Date being filed | |
05/11/2021 | |
Prepared (Filed by) | |
Robin Wilson | |
Authorized by: | |
Robin Wilson |