Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Stardate: [-27] 08945.00 - Captain's Log

Thinking about all of the recent position changes, I'm tempted to request an extra CS meeting, this time in person - so that the crewmen in new positions can exchange whatever needs to be exchanged (and because I want to put a new bar to the test).

I probably won't do it, but I'm considering the wisdom of it, so that there isn't too much disturbance at the next meeting. I have high hopes for the new assignments, but that's slightly because I was wanting Guill to be my second since Firelace left spacedock. She's a good ship, deserving of a good second. My past two, while they tried, both had the shortcoming of never having been part of The Federation prior to their assignment (meaning no 'training') for the roles they were assigned to. Their assignments stemming from the lack of 'local' personnel ready and able to take the role, ready certainly. But now I have someone at my right hand that I feel would be able to fill the role admirably, and perhaps put other XO's to shame (or perhaps I just think too highly of Guill).

----Personal log----

I have reservations with the new Captain of the Nathan Hale. While he was XO for Adm. A.Hohensee for a time, it wasn't nearly long enough, I don't feel, before he was given the command of the ship. I know Adm. Hohensee tended to do a lot for his ship and fleet, and much if it may not have been necessary, I don't know as Cpt. Greene will be able to keep that momentum going. Time will tell, and I'm sure my reservations stem from a dislike of change.

----Geo West log----

I've been hearing some wave-making from a few of the members, largely because I believe they are dissatisfied with their current assignments. Ens D.Schroeder seldom has transportation to the meetings held by Cpt. B.Cook of the Rochambeau - and due to this wants to be more active, somehow. After several long conversations with him, and learning where his strengths and weakness may be, I think he'd be most helpful to the Member Coordinator for the entire fleet. I've made the initial contacts with people, and put them all in touch with each other, now all I can do is sit back and wait.
Another wave-maker is LTJG J.Hahn - while newly transferred to the Nathan Hale, he's already antsy and wanting to do more than his Cpt is ready for. So he's launched a 'ship' of his own through another fan-group (and a collection of his friends) which is not affiliated with the Federation. This is not against the membership-guidelines, so not an issue as far as I see. Though he is asking to make his ship a part of the Federation, which may be a problem. The proximity to the already established Nathan Hale may preclude his Renard from an official launch in the Federation. I'm unsure how to respond to this, so I've advised him to take it up with Pre. R. Haslage.
I also have reservations about LTJG J.Hahn being a captain of a ship, as I feel he is too erratic to be good in that role. He has lots of good ideas, but no apparent carry-through for those ideas. I worry that his ship will rather quickly be adrift without attitude control - with his many plans to be a mobile chapter and vary his meeting locations based on his whim (and hopefully the whims of his crew). There are so many uncertainies where he is concerned, and while I recognize some of them as things I first exhibited, they are stronger in him and it causes me some measure of hesitation.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Stardate [-27] 58960.00 - Captain's Personal Log

Another pet project under the belt and approved.

Proposal: Photo Identification for members Capt and above, to prove membership for activities such as booking venues, charity collaborations, bank accounts, and other uses that may require proof of membership.

Personell on project: R. Admiral R. Wilson, Commodore Amalya Christy

Brainstorm ideas: Card should include, headshot (full front facing preferred); should include charity 501(c)3 information; maybe include region(Geo) and or chapter member is in as well as their member number.

Took a week of picking at the idea and trying different designs, in the first few days I tried to make a card similar to the card Russ had previously made for Lifer's, utilizing the same front design and filling in the back with all of the required information. After a few days sitting on this conceptual card it began to rub me the wrong way, and I went back to drawing board (almost literally).
It had occured to me that Russ had a paper membership card that could serve as a better guide to this new photo id we were looking to make. So I took that card into photoshop, erased all the 'unnecessary' fields, that would later be filled in by the appropriate information, and set up the old membership cards to serve as the new Photo ID cards.
After some futzing with that design and getting the correct information for fine-print information on the card with CMDR Amalya's assistance, and then getting Adm Haslage's approval - we had a final product.

Who did what:
  R.Adm R. Wilson - graphics - Worked with IDCreator engines to develop ID card
 CMDR A. Christy - Legaleese - kept me on task, and not distracting with all the SQUIRREL ideas that kept cropping up
 Adm R. Haslage - Reviewed concept work, gave pointers, approved final cut

Monday, January 7, 2019

Stardate: [-27] 08860.00 - CS Log (Committed to computer banks for reference as needed)

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

@everyone CS Meeting in 30min

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

Since James is dealing woth personal issues, should I jump in as Acting CMO?

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

Yea, he's not on Discord so...

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019


(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

His phone can't support Discord and I believe he said something about his computer didn't, either.... So he's unlikely to join us here any time soon. Even around the grieving...
On the Agenda tonight is Promotions, Ship Assignments(edited)
According to the App Capt. Guill's made for us: Promotions Pending Baxter, Charles - Delayed until 2/2/19 - inactivity Falcone, Carrie - Delayed until 2/2/19 - inactivity Falcone, Correy - Delayed until 2/2/19 - inactivity Falcone, Michael - Delayed until 2/2/19 - inactivity Fowler, Alec - Delayed until 2/2/19 - inactivity Hahn, James - TRANSFERRED OFFSHIP Krahn, Stacy - Delayed until 2/2/19 - inactivity Krynen, Greg - Delayed until 2/2/19 - inactivity Niss, Cassandra - Ens ->LTJG Parker, Angela - Ensign ->LTJG San Juan, William - Delayed until 2/2/19 - inactivity Stout, Ernest - LTJG -> LT Stout, Viki - LTJG -> LT Willey, Lori - Sadly recently deceased Crew Reassignments Due XO -> by virtue of extended LoA beyond ByLaw tenure(edited)

(CoO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

I'm officially online now.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson pinned a message to this channel. See all the pins.01/06/2019

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

I am here.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson pinned a message to this channel. See all the pins.01/06/2019

(CoO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

I am in the process of updating the above into the app.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

all the Delays have already been applied, we just need to vote on the others..

(CoO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

Ok, thanks.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

So, For TIME IN the Stouts are now applicable for a promotion - and at least on Viki's part I'd say her reports (while still 'canned') earns her the promotion.

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019


(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

"Read from paper" not off the cuff

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019


(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

Not even paraphrased, as I've asked for. But I can let it slide.

(CoO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

I agree. She's done what we've asked of her, even if a bit cut and dry.

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019


(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

So is that unanimous approval for promotion then?
This is JUST for Viki at this moment

(CoO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019


(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019


(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

Okay, Then make it so.

(CoO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

As of today?

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

hmm lets actually make it effective 2/5
so the date of the next meeting

(CoO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

Will Do.
Next, we have Ensign Angela Parker, our Astrogation Officer.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

Next is Ernest

(CoO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

Or Earnest...

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

(don't forget poor Ernest) hehe
He's dubiously assigned to Security - and there really hasn't been much for him to DO persay, so his promotion is based solely on TIME IN and participation

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

Since I am new to these doscussions, what are we looking for? I understand time served and handling some responsibilities, but what else?

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

-->Security, when was the last meeting Jeff was at phyically?

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

It has been a while.
He does have transportation problems.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

Generally it's HAVE they done what was asked of them during their rank.
If we've given them an assignment, did they fulfill it adequately enough

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

Okay. So in the case of Ernest, has he needed to do anything security-related?
And with Angela, we have not yet gone on an outing where she was needed to navigate.

(CoO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

Physically on 5/5, he was also on the CS meeting on 9/23

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

Have they done anything to make themselves stand out while performing their duties - they kind of stuff..

(CoO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

Of course, he joined on 4/29

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

We're primarly talking about Ernest at the moment though.. :smiley:

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

Yes. But the question goes for all.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

In regards to Ernest, no - we haven't asked him to do anything beyond attend at this point, as we've not had any reason to bring any type of 'security' into the mixes. Which is why his promotion would be based primarily on Time In and Attendance

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

And the same would go for Angela, Cassy, et al

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

I do pay attention to what people do, even if I do seem to somehow always overlook Paige's contributions.. =/
Any objections to Promotion for Ernest?

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

No objection.

(CoO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

No objections here.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

K, then we'll push his through, also - same date

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019


(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

Next is Niss, Cass

(A.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

Time served in rank... how long is that? It seems that people go from Ensign to Lt.JG very quickly. But beyond that I have no clue. I believe I was promoted last spring. Is there a rule about the timing or is that at Captain's discretion?
And officially, it is Cassy with a y.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

Usually 3-6 months is time in

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

Ah, good.

(CoO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

That's the cadet's, Admiral.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

So yes, ensigns climb pretty fast..

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

Not angling for a promotion, just curious.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

I know better.. ENSIGN Solak.. hehe -cough-

(CoO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

It's 12 months for Ens. to Lt, JG, and from LT, JG to LT

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019


(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

Ah, yea, listen to Nathan, he's had to do all the work for the app..

(CoO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

Then 24 months from LT to LT CDR, and LT CDR to CDR.
After CDR, only the Admiralty can promote.
Though the command staff can recommend.
The cadets, though, vary depending on age when they join.

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

Okay, I have it, then. Thanks for the clarification.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

So, back to Cassy...

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

So for Cassy, she only officially joined about 2 months ago. But she put in a lot of civilian work prior to that.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

I don't think anyone would say she hasn't performed admirably in her duties on the Civilian side, and then as Ensign. I'd be willing to grant her a premature promotion if no one objects.

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

Agreed. And a special commendation to her lomg-suffering husband who has to live with her in the days precsding the meetings. :wink:

(CoO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

Ya, I'm not sure why she's up for it. I have her attaining Ensign on 10/29. I don't object due to her contributions, I'm just wondering why the app says she's eligible.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

I don't know, it's your app-baby.. lol

(CoO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

I know. It's something I have to look at.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019


(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

I have noticed some strange timing with things. I went from Ensign to LtJG in like 2-3 months. Angela has not been in very long either.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

In the future something we can keep an eye on, but for now. let's let the app lead the way. :smiley:

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

But I will let you take care of that if you feel it is necessary.

(CoO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

In your case, the app wasn't around. So it really was Captain's prerogative.

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019


(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

Generous captain.....

(CoO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

I've only been working on it for about 2 months.

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

That makes sense, then.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

:smiley: I like keeping my crew happy w/promotions.. Nathan will help me keep from being too handy with handouts...

(CoO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

:smiley: But I like handouts.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

So, let's green light Cassy's promotion and delay any word on Angela's until proper time (despite app saying go)

(CoO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

In any case, that's an approval for Ensign Niss to be promoted.
Shall we delay for 1 month or longer?

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

I would agree about Angela. She has not really been around as much.
But she does have great excitement and energy.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

Hm... do the math and delay Angela's until the appropriate time.

(CoO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

That would be 4/3/19 as her "proper" time.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

And I agree, once her time in is appropriate I think she could easly climb to LTJG without much 'hurt' on anyones part...
Okay, then push it there, it's not that far off..

(CoO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

That's all we have. Everyone else is postponed until 2/2

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

---and that's all the promotions. So just to double check.. Stout, Viki to LT, Stout, Ernest to Lt and Niss, Cassy to LTJG
NOW... The somewhat harder task...
It has come to my attention that we have an officer violating (through no intention of his own) our ByLaws.....

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

Uh oh.
Hope it isn't me...

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

According to our ByLaws, A person cannot hold a command position, and be absent from meetings more than 3 consecutive meetings in a row.

(CoO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

Actually, quite a few, but we don't have to go into that.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

Right, the only ones we watch are the command positions, though.

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

Ah. I think I see where this is going.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

HEY welcome @Lt. C. Hisa ! Better late than never!(edited)
I'll give you a moment or three to read back. :smiley:
Okay, back to what I was saying....

(XO of Firelace) Lt. C. Hisa01/06/2019

I'm up to speed now..

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

Lt. Hisa has been absent from physical meetings (due to car and GF's health) since 8/18 and managed to drop in on the CS meeting on 9/18 - but has not been present since.
While we (I) understand the absences, I'm sure Lt. Hisa is aware that in order to make everything flow smooth, the ByLaws should be supported. Opinions?

(XO of Firelace) Lt. C. Hisa01/06/2019

I know I need to step down as XO because of my lack of participation in the chapter.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

And I want open discussion about this. -> Is this a time, in your opinions, that we need to bypass the bylaws as they were agreed upon, in favor of Hisa's position. or no?

(CoO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

Regardless of my opinion, it could seem that I was only looking out for my interests. So I respectfully decline to participate in this discussion and will go with whatever everyone else decides.(edited)

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

Your position is accepted, Capt, thank you.

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

I think that Lt. Hisa, having been made aware of the issue should decide whether he thinks that he should continue in that position for the good of the ship and crew. He has just stated his thoughts.
But it is ultimately the Captain's decision.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

I think I would agree.. I cherish Hisa as a person, and he knows this.

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

As do I.

(CoO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

He definitely is a great guy.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

I do have another position in mind for him, if he is willing to accept it. One more suited to his personality and skill sets.

(XO of Firelace) Lt. C. Hisa01/06/2019

But as XO... I stink. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

Only to a small degree.. hehe

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

When able, you fulfilled your duties admirably. You did not "stink." Unfortunately, life has gotten in the way.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

Lt. Hisa, If you are willing, I'd like to recommend a new assignment for you. One for which you are UNIQUELY qualified.
We are in need a of an official Morale Officer (yes, Jasper is great, but he's limited)

(XO of Firelace) Lt. C. Hisa01/06/2019

Do I get to put people in the air lock ?? ?

(CoO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

brb. Have to get the door.

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

Only James.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

Umm no, lets reserve that right for Larson.. lol

(XO of Firelace) Lt. C. Hisa01/06/2019


(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

But, you connect with people, often, and I think you're willingness to do so would help them, and you, in the long run.

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019


(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

When you are having a bad day you could reach out and ask for a hand up, and lift someone up in turn.

(CoO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

I'm back.

(XO of Firelace) Lt. C. Hisa01/06/2019

I can do the job.

(CoO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

I agree with the Admiral.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

:smiley: And it's a job that doesn't 'require' you to not miss meetings. :smiley:

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

I agree.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

So you can blow up your car (or replace it) and help Kim get back on her feet without having to worry about 'I'm gonna miss another meeting!"
BUt.. please don't blow up your car... :stuck_out_tongue:

(CoO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

Though, don't blow up your car, please.

(CoO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

I assume we will now need to promote a new Exec?

(XO of Firelace) Lt. C. Hisa01/06/2019

I'm about a tribbles hair away from strapping photos tourpeedow to it and letting it blow. :rage:

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

Correct, Solak. If Lt. Hisa is willing to accept the reassignment.

Lt. C. Hisa01/06/2019

I am willing to take the new assignment. :vulcan~1:

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

Thank you Lt. Hisa..

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

Thank you for your service.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

You are welcome to stick around for the rest of the meeting.

(CoO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

You now report to Lt. James Larson. Thank you for your service.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

Guill, Who do we have that meets requirements for XO position?

Lt. C. Hisa01/06/2019

James is going to have a field day when he finds out ... :nerd:

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

Isn't he though? heeh

(CoO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

I'm the next senior officer, but I don't remember all the requirements of the XO. I'm looking them up.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

Pulling up the bylaws now

(CoO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

Guill, you are Captain. You can't be your own Number 1!

(CoO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

:smiley: LOL I'm Captain by rank, but not Captain of the ship...

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

I know.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

He is A captain, his is not captain of the ship - there is a difference.. :smiley:

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

I was joking.
Human humor escapes me.

(CoO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

But that has caused me a bit of a laugh...

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

Okay, here it is..
XO - hold minimum rank of LTCom in the federation
EXECUTIVE OFFICER (XO - aka First Officer) Shall function as the vice-president of the group having the responsibility of providing a leadership role and shall be required to: Maintain an active membership on the ship and in the Federation®. Have completed the required courses of study provided by the Federation® for authorizing promotion to that rank (Commanding Officer course, Officer Candidate course, and Staff Officer course) Hold the minimum rank of Lieutenant Commander in the Federation® and no more than two ranks below the Commanding Officer Maintain that position until the Commanding Officer calls for a vote for replacement. The procedure to be as set forth in Change of Command (section 1.3). Function as the second in command and Vice President of the ship. Provide a leadership role when and if the CO is unable to do so. Maintain a hard copy log of ship’s meetings and functions. Sit as a member of the Charity Committee. Assist in dispersal of safety and security information to all members of the crew. The Executive Officer reports to the Commanding Officer.
THe only part we haven't held anyone to - because the academy site has been such a shambles - has been the courses requirements....

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

How many on board are of the Lt.Cmdr rank or higher?

(CoO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

That's what I thought. I would be the only possible candidate, but I am still not eligible due to being 3 ranks below the Admiral.

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

This could be a case of bending the rules a tad.

(CoO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

Josh is Commander. No one else is LTCDR or higher.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

Indeed - not something we're stranger to - though I'd like to stick to our bylaws as much as possible.....

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

And also, do you have the ability and desire to fulfill the role?
And... Josh?

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

Josh also doesn't attend meeting regularly enough. He'd be stripped of the position almost as soon as he was given it..

(CoO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

Josh Wilson, The Admiral's husband.

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019


(CoO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

Very true.

Lt. C. Hisa01/06/2019

Cpt. Guill would be the ship's best bet as XO.

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

Agreed, if he feels he wants to and can.

(CoO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

I feel that I could perform the duties as described by our bylaws.

Lt. C. Hisa01/06/2019

I still think he should have been XO from the start....

(CoO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

Unfortunately, I was still going through a few things at that time. I do believe I have that part handled now.(edited)

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

All considerations on the table, I hear Guill reassigned to Executive Officer. All agreed? -Guill please withhold your vote-

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019


Lt. C. Hisa01/06/2019

You have a better understanding of the day to day precegers that I was still trying to under stand.

(CoO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019


(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

K, with that we now need to look for a CoO, yes?

(XO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

Yes. Minimum rank is LT

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

CHIEF OPERATIONS OFFICER (COO) Maintain an active membership on the ship and in the Federation®. Have completed the required courses of study provided by the Federation® for authorizing promotion to that rank (Commanding Officer course, Officer Candidate course, and Staff Officer course) Hold the minimum rank of Lieutenant in the Federation® and no more than one rank below the Executive Officer Maintain that position until the Commanding Officer calls for a vote for replacement. The procedure to be as set forth in Change of Command (section 1.3). Function as the third in command and provide a leadership role when and if the CO and XO are unable to do so. Serve as the ship’s Chief Financial Officer, having the responsibility of providing an accurate record of all funds. The Operation Officer reports to the Executive Officer.
This position does not need to be immediately filled - but considerations will be taken now

Lt. C. Hisa01/06/2019

Plus.... with my short attention span, it made it hard for me to sit still and learn my position .......... SQUIRL !!!

(XO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

I know it says it above, but we need to be able to trust them with the ship's money.

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

I know I am slightly too low in rank for that, but I feel I could adequately handle the responsibilities.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019


(XO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

I agree. I do not have a better feeling for almost anyone else in that regards.

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

I will be a full Lieutenant soon.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

I have no objections.

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

I am currently only Ship's Counselor and assistant CMO, so I can easily switch over. And my uniform is already red.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

Weren't you saying you wanted to go Sciences though?
-that that it would stop you either way-

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

I am fine with Command as well.

Lt. C. Hisa01/06/2019

There's a red shirt joke in there somewhere....

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

Capt Guill, when is the date that Solak would be promoted, out of curiousity?

(XO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019


(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

Is that 2022??

(XO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

This year.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

so 5/19

(XO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019


(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

ah okay..

(a.CMO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

Better not be, lol

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

Wow.. I about had a heart attack there.. way to start the new assignment.. lol
-afk brb
Okay, so 5 months, and Solak would be properly ranked.... I think we can 'wiggle' that bylaw there..

(XO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

I agree.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

So, let's give him that assignment. I do ask that Guill continue to work on the App as before, but transfer all other projects to directly affecting the App to our new CoO, Solak.

Lt. C. Hisa01/06/2019


(XO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

Will do. I will hand over the till and all records of the Treasury to LTJG Slovak at the next meeting.

(CoO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

I will endeavor to do well.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

And that is all I ever ask. :smiley:
-this is gonna make for quite the MCAR report.. sigh.. lol

(CoO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

Nathan, would you please contact me later with info re: Day to Day duties?

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

-Also we need to make sure Cassy has all the contact info for the crew (as we have it on record) so she can do her duties. :smiley:

(XO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

Do we want to remove him from Recruitment Officer, Ship Counselor, and Assistant CMO?

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

Perhaps we can introduce them to the App?

(XO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

I believe the App is just about ready for that.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

Hmm yes. CoO will be handful enough, if he does it right, I think... Or, leave him on RO - but he can drop the ACMO

(CoO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

I can still be Counselor.
But not ACMO
RO was there because I work the table at a few conventions.

(XO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

So, I have him as COO, RO, & SC. App doesn't show multiple assignments, but I may be able to fix that.

(CoO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

I'm interested to see this app.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

Yea, with a ship with crew filling multiple roles, that might be handy.. :smiley:

(XO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

I think you caught a glimpse of it at the December meeting. You asked if it was a website. I will definitely invite you and show you how to work it. It is a PowerApps app and works on Android or Apple. Unfortunately, I have to have separate apps for phone and tablet, but the tablet version works on the computer as well.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

Okay, I think that pretty well covers all the important assignments..
I know we still have assignments that could be filled - and some crew that could BE assigned..

(XO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

Yes, the only open assignment left is Cadet Commander and that is an additional staff position.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

Hmm... Do we know anyone that would be able to do that job?
Must maintain an active membership on the ship and in the Federation®. Hold the minimum rank of Lieutenant, Junior Grade in the Federation® Maintain that position until the Commanding Officer calls for a vote for replacement. The procedure to be as set forth in Change of Command (section 1.3). Provides supervision and organization of cadets during meeting and away missions. The Cadet Commander reports to the Ship's Counselor.

(XO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

Though, technically, we should be asking others to be stepping down due to participation rates.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

Who are we missing? Greg I know is holding a position,..

(CoO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019


(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019


(CoO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

I will talknto him and see if he plans to renew his membership.

(XO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

Meacham, Chief Tactical; Baxter, Chief Engineer; Falcone, Quartermaster

Lt. C. Hisa01/06/2019

Dun Ham....

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019


(XO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

Peanut needs to go to sleep...

Lt. C. Hisa01/06/2019


(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

Yea, lets find out what his intentions are by way of his membership - as he has not been around (transportation aside, he has Discord!) and go from there...
I don't WANT to strip people of positions if they really intend to do the job - but LB and I had talked about his position a few times, so while I didn't want to reassign him, we both already knew he was struggling. Jeff, I'm uncertain of.
I know he's excited (or was) to be part of the group - but I've heard little from him lately (last I think I saw he was flying somewhere for a family bd) and not really interacting even on FB...

(XO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

I'm okay leaving him in Security.
But that leaves Carrie and Charlies.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

Carrie is inactive as is Charles
It does not inconvience them to leave him in Security.

(XO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

We still have them on the roster though. I know we have a lot of people that need to renew, and I have not removed them.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

Well, Mike and Carrie renewed last year. They're memberships haven't come up this year... They just won't/can't make the drive up the hill.
Charles has been on medical leave (and had renewed last year)

(XO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

I don't have those records. Doesn't mean you're incorrect, due to Command's efforts.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

I'll look and have Mark verify memberships.. I know he doesn't have the medical leave...

(XO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019


(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

There are some things I keep track of that he doesnt'... like medical leaves. -shakes head- though you'd think he would...

(XO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

That aside, we currently have 36 people onboard including cadets and civilians.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

jimmeny.. we should have fuller meetings then. lol

(XO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

ya' think? LOL

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

I know I asked for a few names to be dropped due to lack of communications from them.. I know I've forwarded most of those to you, Guill.

(XO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

I've done as ordered. Should be accurate.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

That is all I ask. :smiley:

(CoO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

Let me know if there is anything I can do on my end.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

As we can. There will be a bunch of shuffling and 'learning the ropes' sessions for a bit with people in new seats.. Shouldn't be too bad, as most already know or are doing their jobs.
With that I think that about wraps up what needs managing for the month. MCAR has already been filed, so you won't need to do that Guill. :smiley: I'll forward it to you so you can see what it is, and how I fill it out....

(CoO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

Thank you, all.

(XO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

Thanks. I've looked at it before, just never taken the reigns.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

Next CS meeting should be held before the next monthly..
Next monthly is set for Feb 9? was that what we decided yesterday?

(XO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

So, have a CS meeting on the 3rd?

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

-headdesk- Lily just suggested I check the video feed for the date of the next meeting... ugh

(XO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

:smiley: She does have a point, Though hopefully Solak might know.

(CoO of Firelace) LTJG Solak01/06/2019

Yes, the 9th.
The day before Opening Day for my League. I remember that part.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

So next CS meeting should be the 8th at least...

(XO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

I'm fine with the 8th, or 9th.
Oops, scratch that.
8th, 3rd, or 2nd.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

Okay, so let's plan for the 8th, (I'd like to have the CS meetings the night before monthly meetings, so that promotions and such don't get lost)

(XO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

Sounds Good.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

Okay, putting the dates on the calendars now...

(XO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

One question. Since the meeting is on the 9th. Would you rather the new promotions take place on that day instead of the 5th?

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

....Yea, would probably make more sense....
And on that note, I ask for a motion to adjourn the meeting...

(XO of Firelace) Cpt N.Guill01/06/2019

I've moved the dates in SharePoint.
I'll motion for adjournment.

(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

Do I hear a second?

Lt. C. Hisa01/06/2019


(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

All agreed?

Lt. C. Hisa01/06/2019


(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson01/06/2019

I'll assume none opposed.. Meeting adjourned. :smiley:

Stardate: 47634.44 - Captain's Personal Log (not so personal)

 Ran across a log that got me thinking... and wanting to clarify my response. I did not carry over the whole log and all replies because I w...