Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Stardate [-27] 58960.00 - Captain's Personal Log

Another pet project under the belt and approved.

Proposal: Photo Identification for members Capt and above, to prove membership for activities such as booking venues, charity collaborations, bank accounts, and other uses that may require proof of membership.

Personell on project: R. Admiral R. Wilson, Commodore Amalya Christy

Brainstorm ideas: Card should include, headshot (full front facing preferred); should include charity 501(c)3 information; maybe include region(Geo) and or chapter member is in as well as their member number.

Took a week of picking at the idea and trying different designs, in the first few days I tried to make a card similar to the card Russ had previously made for Lifer's, utilizing the same front design and filling in the back with all of the required information. After a few days sitting on this conceptual card it began to rub me the wrong way, and I went back to drawing board (almost literally).
It had occured to me that Russ had a paper membership card that could serve as a better guide to this new photo id we were looking to make. So I took that card into photoshop, erased all the 'unnecessary' fields, that would later be filled in by the appropriate information, and set up the old membership cards to serve as the new Photo ID cards.
After some futzing with that design and getting the correct information for fine-print information on the card with CMDR Amalya's assistance, and then getting Adm Haslage's approval - we had a final product. http://prntscr.com/manqwv

Who did what:
  R.Adm R. Wilson - graphics - Worked with IDCreator engines to develop ID card
 CMDR A. Christy - Legaleese - kept me on task, and not distracting with all the SQUIRREL ideas that kept cropping up
 Adm R. Haslage - Reviewed concept work, gave pointers, approved final cut

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Stardate: 47634.44 - Captain's Personal Log (not so personal)

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