@here CS Meeting NOW
Tonight's call to attention is promotions
@Cpt N.Guill (XO of Firelace) Who do we have up for promotion this month?
Cpt N.Guill (XO of Firelace)
We currently have 14 personnel.
(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson
We also have, I believe, one crew person to reassign this month as the position is now vacant...
Cpt N.Guill (XO of Firelace)
First up, we have Chief Engineering Officer Ensign Charles Baxter.
(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson
Opinion: He hasn't been to any meetings since transferring, but he's also been on medical leave. I saw we grant him the promotion just on time served.
Cpt N.Guill (XO of Firelace)
That would put him to minimum rank for his position as per the ByLaws.
(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson
Then I think it necessary in this case. Approved.
Cpt N.Guill (XO of Firelace)
Let me ask now, any approved promotions are as of today or tomorrow?
(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson
Cpt N.Guill (XO of Firelace)
And for postponed promotions, add another 3 months?
(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson
Cpt N.Guill (XO of Firelace)
I'll stick with the Ship's positions first.
(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson
Always consider promotions for the day of the Monthly Meet-Up unless one is not planned for the month..
Cpt N.Guill (XO of Firelace)
So, that would bring us to Quartermaster Ensign Carrie Falcone.
(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson
That's another one that should be granted for time served (and I just asked Michael if he still wants to be a member since they're relatively inactive due to mobility)
Cpt N.Guill (XO of Firelace)
I can agree.
(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson
I know they're planning to participate in November - but that's some time out.... Kinda wish they'd transfer to the NH - but it is what it is.. Who's next?
Cpt N.Guill (XO of Firelace)
Astrogation Officer Ensign Angela Parker
(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson
Opinion: I haven't heard much from her these last two months, but I adore her spunk. She attends meetings when she can...
Cpt N.Guill (XO of Firelace)
We haven't really had a need for her to fulfill her departmental duties, but I do like her attitude when present.
(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson
Indeed. I think with time served, and the few times she's been present we can present her with a promo. Approved.
Cpt N.Guill (XO of Firelace)
That are all the personnel that hold a position on the ship.
We now have Ensigns Scott Booth, Michael Falcone, Greg Krynen, Morgan Lee, Jeff Meacham, Mathew Ramus, Danny Rauda, William San Juan, and Brienna Shamway
Of those, only Mr. Krynen, Mr. Meacham, and Mr. Falcone have accumulated any points.
Mind you, I have not had a chance to update the point system in the app.
(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson
On the pts, I want to include viewing the stream for attendance..
LTJG Solak (CoO of Firelace)
I am still at Lt. Jg. Don't I need to be a full Lt. to be COO?
Cpt N.Guill (XO of Firelace)
That's fine with me. Someone would have to go in and add them to the attendance for the meeting.
(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson
That would give Booth at least one attendance pt..
Solak, yes, to meet the Bylaws for the ship, but you had a promotion recently and we don't want to promote too fast.. 
Cpt N.Guill (XO of Firelace)
Mr. Solak's date of eligibility would be next month (5/22). A promotion a month early would not hurt...
LTJG Solak (CoO of Firelace)
A year and a half is too soon?
Cpt N.Guill (XO of Firelace)
I have your promotion date as 5/22/2018
LTJG Solak (CoO of Firelace)
Not begging, but just interested.
Hmm. Thought it was Feb.
(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson
Though, if his eligibility is next month, we could do a month early..
Cpt N.Guill (XO of Firelace)
Mr. Solak's promotion has been entered in.
LTJG Solak (CoO of Firelace)
Oh, and I agree with all the others
(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson
So, for time in let's grant promotions to those with at least 1 pt...
Cpt N.Guill (XO of Firelace)
Okay, that would mean Baxter, Falcone, Krynen, & Meacham would be promoted.
Lee, Ramus, Rauda, San Juan, & Shamway would not.
(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson
Well, Baxter, Falcone, and Krynen - Meacham hasn't reuped yet..
Cpt N.Guill (XO of Firelace)
That leave only two more individuals.
(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson
Wait.. wait... Nathan.. Baxter's already getting a promotion.. So we're going to jump him from Ens to Lt?? hehe
Cpt N.Guill (XO of Firelace)
I was not aware of another promotion. I was only promoting him to JG
(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson
Aye, but he was listed as one of the members who hold a position, and one who is not.... 
Cpt N.Guill (XO of Firelace)
Yes, you're right. That's odd. I'll correct that.
(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson
Cpt N.Guill (XO of Firelace)
Lt, JG Eric Quinn, who has no points accrued, and Spacer Apprentice Corey Falcone, who has 1 point but has the same mobility issue as his parents.
(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson
Yes for the cadet (got keep him in the right rank for his age bracket, and he just turned 16 last week) - delay on Quinn, he's already a LTJG, he could stand to attend a meeting or two, if only by stream...
BUT I'll need you to tell me what rank the cadet will be raised to for the cert.. hehe
Cpt N.Guill (XO of Firelace)
Just to make sure my memory is correct, they are cadets until 17? Or is it 18?
(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson
18 unless they have parental consent (at 17) to join the Federation officially
Cpt N.Guill (XO of Firelace)
That would be Petty Officer, 1st Class.
I still have to work on how to get the Cadets promotion schedule into the app better.
(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson
WIP - always a WIP
Cpt N.Guill (XO of Firelace)
Very True. I'm not sure if all of the decisions tonight updated correctly as I was also on the SharePoint site. I'll make certain they are updated before I log off.
(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson
That's fine by me.. I have all the certs made already and in the shared drive ready for you to print (my spanky new color printer decided to be a noob about the ink cartridges and I haven't been able to fix it yet)
The one position reassignment that I"m immediately aware of is that of Chief Tactical which was held by Jeff who is now outstanding in his re-up AND past due for 3 sequencial meetings.. So we'll need to find a new CoT...
I know Ernest was eager to fill the position at the last meeting, but I was hesitant to comply then...
Does anyone have anyone else in mind that could be approached, and meets the rank requirements?
Cpt N.Guill (XO of Firelace)
No one that comes to my mind.
(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson
K, well since it a volunteer position, we can ask tomorrow and see if anyone else jumps...
I believe that's it. No Away missions this month that I'm aware of...
Can you think of anything else?
Cpt N.Guill (XO of Firelace)
Not at this time. I'm going through the cadet files to ensure no one else should have a promotion, but it's slow since it's manual
(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson
Cpt N.Guill (XO of Firelace)
Sebastian would be eligible on 5/8
Which means he's on the app now if you refresh
(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson
(I just closed it so we weren't confusing the poor thing)
Cpt N.Guill (XO of Firelace)
We can wait until next month if you want.
(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson
If he's up for Promo next month, then let's promote him next month...
I think that one we can safely approve ahead of time.. hehe
Cpt N.Guill (XO of Firelace)
I don't want to show it as a negative time in grade... But if you want to promote before hand...
(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson
Negative time? Nah we just agree that next month we mark him for promotion...
Cpt N.Guill (XO of Firelace)
Ok, just making sure when you're saying to promote him
(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson
At next month's meeting.. 
Also, I attended the NH CS meeting last week..
Bonnie suggested a joint meeting in the future (in case it was missed in #general ) I approved the idea, and they said they'd get back to me when they had some ideas of where and when. Kathy reminded them that we hold our meetings on the same day, so it is likely that we'll doing a joint general meet-up at some time in the future..
Cpt N.Guill (XO of Firelace)
I saw that. I also just updated the time in grade on the app to show days or months or years so that we don't have to manually do it.
It's not published yet though.
(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson
So if there's nothing else, I say we adjourn until or unless @LTJG Solak (CoO of Firelace) , or anyone else, has anything to add.
LTJG Solak (CoO of Firelace)
I'm good.
Cpt N.Guill (XO of Firelace)
Looks like only Sebastian is due for promotion soon. I should have the app fixed to show the cadet promotion schedules correctly before next month's meeting.
(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson
As you're able.
Not like i'm needing it last week. 
Cpt N.Guill (XO of Firelace)
Okay, as said earlier, I'll make sure everything is correct in the database before I log off tonight.
And, I'll let you know if I have any issues with the certificates tonight as well.
(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson
Sounds good.. I saved them all off as PDFs for you so it should go pretty smooth this month...
It'll be scary smooth and people will think we've been at it for years.... -nods-
(CO of Firelace) R.Adm R.Wilson
Okay, well, off to replicate some sort of dinner... Toodles - Tag me if anyone comes on and has something to add.. 
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